Q: We have started introducing solids to our baby. We have tried but he spits out everything we give him. We have tried to puree it more but he doesn’t take it. We are worried about his eating habits and wonder if this is normal.
Ans: Typically we introduce solids between 4 and 6 months so I am hoping that is the age of your baby. Learning to eat and swallow uses different muscles from suck and swallow…..many infants are not interested at first so keep trying. Sometimes it helps to stop for a week or so and then retry. To answer your question- it can be very normal. If it continues then it may be helpful to have an oral motor evaluation to make sure there are not weak muscles that need some gentle exercises.
We do recommend from 4-12 months feeding only “fruits” which are foods that grow from a flower…this includes all the traditional fruits, all the squashes, beans, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. No roots tubers stems or leaves- no potatoes carrots, sweet potatoes spinach kale etc til age 12 months.
We are of course happy to see you int he office to discuss further any time.
Great question.
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Dr Franz