Q: We have been using Holle Formula (Cow & Goat blends) and are looking to take our child off at 12 months. What is your best recommendation on milk after 1 and supplements will he be needing?
Ans: There are several options. Man is the only mammal to use another species milk …and the only one to continue it after weaning. I am not a big dairy fan- for those who tolerate it well raw milk can be an option when you know that the cow is grass fed and no pesticides or antibiotics. In general though, dairy is phlegm (mucous producing) and that can lead to internal dampness, sinusitis, nodular formations, allergies, constipation, eczema….etc. So after age one parents can choose:
1 NO milk- just water after a year works. We do not NEED mil after age one. Water is all we NEED.
2. Almond, hemp or flax milk are more popular now. The plant based “milks” do not have a lot of protein in them (1 gm / cup as opposed to cow, goat, and soy at 9 gms/cup) so it is imperative that the child be eating solids. Then no worries.
3. coconut milk- better cooking with it than drinking it. It makes a great yogurt as well.
As far as supplements go- vitamin D is the only one that really everyone needs to supplement with. Pediatricians recommend doing a CBC and lead at a year of age- we add vitamin D level and ferritin (to check iron stores) and if there is a deficiency then we will suggest an over the counter vitamin with iron.
Great question.
Thank you.
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Dr Franz