Q: We have all been feeling poor;y this summer. Is something going around?
Ans: There is always something going around. This year has been different. We have seen more high fevers and bad viral illnesses than in previous years. It is also HOTTER this summer than anyone can remember and so it is VERY important that everyone drink more water. We ALL need 50-70% of our body weight in water every day- including newborns.
As we are being cooked from the heat outside we must not be dehydrating on the inside so it is imperative to stay hydrated. When we get dry we are susceptible to illness setting in as our immune system is compromised. We need to be able to form mucous on our mucous membranes and that takes water. Mucous traps germs and allows white cells to eat them. When we are dry this cannot happen.
So stay hydrated. Water is life giving.
Have a great summer!!
Thanks for asking ! We love helping improve the heath of your family.
Dr Franz