Q: I have a question about your 10 shot delayed schedule. If someone wanted to be even more selective but not totally abstain, What would you recommend as the top 5 most necessary vaccines from your alternative list? For example, which diseases would be the most severe that you would want to avoid because the illnesses are likely to be more dangerous than the risks of vaccine side effects?
Ans: The 10 shot schedule covers the original illnesses for which we vaccinate.
Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough (Pertussis). Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio , and meningitis.
The “scariest” of these are meningitis and the possibility of paralytic polio.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox have been considered childhood illnesses and typically are not life threatening. We also have enhanced protocols that we use to treat them and boost the immune system as well as mitigate the course.
The vaccine class I teach provides more detail that will perhaps answer your question more thoroughly. We do support whatever schedule parents wish to use for their child.
Thank you- great question.
We love helping improve the health of your family.
Dr Franz