Q. Where can I learn about using homeopathy?
Ans: Numerous places are available.
Simplest: there are some online websites that are helpful. Begin with the book -Homeopathy at Home by M Panos. I love this resource. At the Franz Center, we do teach you little by little when your child has a problem and we have a remedy.
There are courses you can take. Usually involves travel but worth it. Look up the National Institute of Homeopathy and CEDH.
There is also a conference in St Pete in October 2017 on the use of homeopathy to prevent illness. I attended in Dallas last year and was amazed at the results in Africa on reducing malaria using homeopathy. This conference is open to professionals and nonprofessionals. Look up Worldwide choice HP. It is amazing and informative!!!
Great question.
We love helping improve the health of your family.
Dr Franz