Ask Dr Franz

Q:My daughter is 7 months old. A lot of my friends have been giving their babies probiotics and I was wondering if I should start as well? I know the benefits of probiotics for adults but I wasn’t sure if that happens for babies with their digestive system being so young. Also if we should be giving probiotics are there any you recommend? Thanks!!

Ans: We do need to have balanced gut flora..and it can happen naturally. babies born vaginally should be colonized through the birth canal. There is a new product called EVIVO..that when mixed with breast milk (in particular) is amazing at colonizing. Even though your baby is 7 months you could use this probiotic…and you only use it for one month.

If your baby is healthy then there may not be a need.

We do recommend that you get BODY TYPED through will identify what a person’s body type and what food are best for restoring function and preventing disease. Eating according to your body type will actually negate the need for probiotics.

Hope this is helpful.

Thanks for asking!
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Dr Franz