Q: Hi. I have heard you say a few times that a titer is helpful in vaccines. What exactly is that?

Ans: Thanks for asking.

This is the dictionary definintio of the word:



1. Concentration of a substance in solution or the strength of such a substance determined by titration.
2. The minimum volume needed to cause a particular result in titration.
Lets go with #2…it means we can measure the response to a vaccine in the blood. The vaccines stimulate lymphocytes to make antibodies to the germ we gave via injection. It takes 14+ days to make antibodies so we like to test a minimum two  months after the vaccine was given ..There are measurable levels of antibodies that show us a good response to the vaccine. When it is above that threshold or titration level it is positive and is proof of immunity or proof of an adequate and protective level of antibodies and means you do not need more vaccines to get a response.
Hope that helps.
Great question.
Thanks for asking.
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Dr Franz