Patient Testimonials
I brought my 5 year old son in to Dr. Franz because he was hearing voices. The voices were not nice to him and he was afraid of them and over time his behavior became intolerable. This went on for some time before I brought him in because I wanted to make sure it wasn’t

Case Testimonials
Case 1: Cough A 14-month-old was seen in February 2021 for cough. Was resolved in one month (3/21/21) and later had cough again. They developed fever. Very fussy, no sleeping and cries when lying flat while better sitting up. No one else sick at home. Very, very fussy and clingy.Recommended our nontraditional enhanced protocols. Saw

Two Rashes You Can Treat at Home
I love it when western medicine says a condition cannot be helped; that treatment is supportive only. This makes me smile because >95% of the time, something CAN be done that facilitates the body’s ability to heal. Two rashes in particular come to mind. HAND-FOOT-MOUTH Infection: A viral infection typically caused by Coxsackie A16 or

A Perfect Day
It is here. Moving day. Aug 25, 2020. I am there to help my daughter-in-law move their house to storage. She is 38 weeks pregnant, and their two-year-old is at the sitter. Her husband is off in military training. At 8:30, all is well. Movers on the way. She tells me she is having Braxton

Reducing a Common Childhood Illness: Ear Infections
I was in a conversation with someone who suggested I do this post on ear infections. It had not occurred to me to do so, as in our practice we do not see ear infections nearly as often as we used to. That thought made me smile. When I started in practice, we saw them
Q: I am having a baby soon. Is it ok to decline the eye ointment and Hepatitis B shot? A: YES. The eye ointment is to prevent blindness from two specific infections: gonorrhea and chlamydia. If mom knows she has neither then it is ok to decline., It is erythromycin ointment and is safe. The

The Miraculous Case of Oscar the Dog
For those who wonder if acupuncture really does anything, I want to share the miraculous recovery of Oscar the Dachshund. It is a true story. Oscar is a 16-year old Dachshund who has had two disc surgeries-one in his neck, and one on his back. He lived with another dachshund, who died abruptly in 2017.

4 Reasons Why You Need to be Body Typed
S. Cornelia Franz, MD Ask any of my patients and their families and they will tell you that when you come see us at The Franz Center, there will always be a conversation about The Body Type System. Based on 6000 years of Chinese tradition and medicine, The Body Type System consists of an expert

ASK DR FRANZ 8-12-18
Q: What are three things you wish you had known as a new parent about your newborn that you think would be helpful for other new parents to know? Ans: This will be different for different parents..and it is a broad based question (and a good one!) Some people would want to know physical things-