ASK DR FRANZ 07-27-18
Q:I have a question about the CBD oil fad. What is Dr. Franz position on the use of these? Ans: I have not yet researched this in depth. BUT I can tell you that I have numerous patients using it with positive results. Like any plant based medicine this is a wonderful treatment when used

Thought of the Day 07-06-18
“What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It is today,” answered Piglet. “My favorite day,” said Pooh.

Thought of the Day 06-29-18
“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don’t EVER stop!” – Steve Maraboli

Thought of the Day 06-22-18
Chinese Medicine has the same principles that have worked for over 5000 years. It sees the world in relation to five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Our dis- eases can be very well explained and healed using these principles.
Good morning, I was hoping I could get some help with a question or two. What is safe water to use for baby formula? Our home has a water softener along with a whole house filter that filters all the water. We have also have a water purifier in addition to all that with its

Thought of the Day 06-15-18
Before you speak think: T – is it True? H – is it Helpful? I – is it Inspiring? N – is it Necessary? K – is it Kind?
Q: I wonder about Chickenpox. My unvaccinated girls are almost 8 & 6 years old and they have not gotten Chickenpox yet. What age is the most common age to get Chickenpox? It’s not worse for them to get it when they get older? Thank you. Ans. In the past before the vaccine the most

Thought of the Day 06-08-18
“Silence gives us a new way of looking at everything. We need this silence in order to touch souls.” Excerpt From: Mother Teresa. “Everything Starts from Prayer.”
Q: if you get the tetanus vaccine after a concerning wound, it would take a few days to build up sufficient antibodies to fight the tetanus bacteria? Too long a time after the initial exposure to be of any use? Ans: it takes minimum 2 weeks to build up antibodies.If you have a concerning
Q: What do you think of hyperemesis? ANS: It is awful. “Hyperemesis Gravidarum typically includes nausea that doesn’t go away and severe vomiting that causes severe dehydration and doesn’t allow you to keep any food or fluids down. The symptoms of HG begin within the first six weeks of pregnancy, and nausea often doesn’t go
Q: Today I ask you- What is the definition of the word “SIMPLE” Ans: adjective, simpler, simplest. 1.easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter; simple tools. 2.not elaborate or artificial; plain: a simple style. 3.not ornate or luxurious; unadorned: a simple gown. Its original meaning though is “one or together, a unified

Thought of The Day 05-23-18
Homeopathic Kali Bichromicum will help with early sinus infections – often faster than antibiotics.