Ask Dr. Franz


Q: We have been using Holle Formula (Cow & Goat blends) and are looking to take our child off at 12 months. What is your best recommendation on milk after 1 and supplements will he be needing? Ans: There are several options. Man is the only mammal to use another species milk …and the only […]

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Q; Can deep breathing really help? Ans: An absolute beyond a shadow of a doubt- YES. Breathing is both voluntary and involuntary and NUMEROUS studies show its beneficial effects. it is something we do ALL the time ALL day and night and yet when we control it for short periods of time, the benefits are 

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Q: Is there anything natural I can do for my baby’s jaundice? he is 4 days old. Ans:    Newborn jaundice is a normal process after delivery. The liver cannot handle the breakdown of the extra blood and so it gets stored as bilirubin in the skin and the organs- the concern is that if

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Q: Is there anything natural I can do for my baby’s jaundice? he is 4 days old. Ans: Newborn jaundice is a normal process after delivery. The liver cannot handle the breakdown of the extra blood and so it gets stored as bilirubin in the skin and the organs- the concern is that if the

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Q; I heard you are open on Saturdays and seeing adults…is this true.   Ans: YES on both accounts. We are thrilled to see patients Saturday mornings from 830-1230. We are also open longer during the weekdays and are able to offer same day and next day appointments. Our Family Nurse Practitioners are able to

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Q: We have started introducing solids to our baby. We have tried but he spits out everything we give him. We have tried to puree it more but he doesn’t take it. We are worried about his eating habits and wonder if this is normal. Ans: Typically we introduce solids between 4 and 6 months

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Q: My child has a lingering cough. What can I do? Ans: that is a broad question. here are some basic ideas: Stop Dairy and gluten first. We see great results doing that alone. AIR tea works great…avaialble online at our website or in the office. If it has been more than 3 weeks, chiropractic

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Q: Dr Franz, you practice homeopathy…what is that? Ans: GREAT QUESTION. Homeopathy means “similar symptoms” or “similar suffering” literally translated. Samuel Hahneman MD is considered the Father of Homeopathy. As a superb physician of his time (1755-1843) he lived in the time of blood letting and leeching and purgatives with “medicines” like mercury. He could

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Q: Hi. I have heard you say a few times that a titer is helpful in vaccines. What exactly is that? Ans: Thanks for asking. This is the dictionary definintio of the word: ti·ter n. 1. Concentration of a substance in solution or the strength of such a substance determined by titration. 2. The minimum

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