Thought of the Day 03-17-2016

Use parental authority wisely.

1. Save “no” for really important things.

2. Encourage, or at least don’t bock safe rebellion, which allows teens to

experiment without hurting anyone. (music, hair, cosmetics, room decorations,

friends, use of time are examples)

3. Give them space for their privacy with boundaries. (you will respect privacy as

long as they do not give you a reason not to…concerns over drugs, risky

behaviors etc will trigger investigating to keep them safe and because you love


4. Support your teen’s interests even if you think they are a waste of your teens’

time. They will learn more from failure than if you discourage them from

trying. Still be educated about possible dangers…

5. Say things with a smile

6. Let your teen know you love them.

7. Avoid lectures and ask permission to give them information.

8. Count on teenagers to be obnoxious.

9. Learn to listen without giving advice and trying to fix everything. Just listen.

10. Validate your teens biological clock. Eliminate shame and guilt they ay feel for

doing what is normal a this age.